- 名称:PerfXLab1024℃
- 描述:PerfXLab is an optimization solution company. We provide performance products and services for embedded systems, cloud computing, as well as for artificial intelligence application needs. Our team members come from MIT, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Intel, and NVIDIA, all of them being seasoned developers and researchers in performance optimization. We have led the development of OpenBLAS, as well as the OpenCL module in OpenCV.【人工智能公司】
- 类型:人工智能
- 名称:耐能999℃
- 描述:耐能Kneron于2015年创立于美国圣地亚哥,为终端人工智慧技术的领导厂商。Kneron于2016年领先业界推出该公司首款终端装置专用的人工智慧晶片,称为神经网路处理器(Neural Processing Unit,NPU),以及自行研发的软体开发套件「重组式人工智能神经网路(Reconfigurable Artificial Neural Network)」,采用先进的演算法,可以针对不同的需求快速调整功能,以适用不同的人工智能应用。在短短两年内,Kneron目前已经拥有全球客户和合作伙伴,并已经为许多客户开始提供产品和解决方案,应用在智能家居、智能安防、智能手机等领域。
- 类型:人工智能